Helpful Resources

Helpful resources categorized by topic:



General resources

  • PsychForums Psychology and Mental Health Forums, a great place to ask questions and learn more.
  • Psych Central Forums and great information.
  • How to find a Support Group How to find the proper support group and other resources.
  • DailyStrength A support forum for a variety of different situations and disorders/illnesses.
  • Medline Plus is the National Institutes of Health’s Website for patients and their families and friends. It brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues.
  • The Treatment Advocacy Center is an United States of America nonprofit organization working to eliminate barriers to timely treatment of severe mental illness.
  • Active minds is the only organization working to utilize the student voice to change the conversation about mental health on college campuses.
  • This post gives information on what Tics are and how they are treated.
  • Here’s some tips for preparing for a natural disaster when you have a mental illness.
  • Looking for a book about mental illness?  Check out our Book List!
  • 2-1-1 phone number to call in US for resources including emergency housing and food (United Way)
  • National Resource Center on Psychiatric Advance Directives


General techniques & posts


Getting & talking to a therapist


Helping a friend


How to tell someone about your mental health & interactions with others





Click on these links for quality masterposts of resources and info on the following topics










Anger Management


Anxiety- and Panic-Related Symptoms




Bipolar Disorder


Body Dysmorphic Disorder


Body Positivity & self esteem


Borderline Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Tendencies




Chronic Pain and Pain management



  • Mind Information on how to identify a mental health crisis, what to do to prepare, and what to do if you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis.
  • National Institute of Mental Health has these tips for more urgent situations
  • has these recommended numbers + sidebar links


DBT resources


Dermatillomania, Trichotillomania and Body-focused Repetitive Behaviors




Depression, Dysthymia, and Depressive Symptoms


Dissociative Disorders & Dissociation


Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating


Grief & Loss


Homicidal ideation


Intrusive thoughts






Learning Disabilities/Difficulties

  • Understood: a website dedicated to learning and attention issues. In English and Spanish. It helps you find personalized recommendations, let you chat with an expert or join a discussion, and recreates the experience of someone with learning disabilities for neurotypical people. In addition, it lists various tips and articles, even on the legal side.
  • Dyscalculia: a website with information on LDs, and tips for coping
  • ToolsToGrow: a website that provides useful tools for various LDs.
  • LearningAlly: a no-profit focused on helping people with print disabilities, including blindness, visual impairment, and dyslexia.
  • @hashtagld: comics about learning disabilities. Very relatable.
  • Typ-O HD: app that uses a word prediction engine and a spelling error model to help you write, even if your spelling isn’t perfect. The integrated synthetic voice let you hear the word prediction suggestions before selecting and check your text. The app is designed for dyslexic people, but it could be useful for other LDs, too.
  • Ginger Keyboard: app that offers advanced artificial Intelligence capabilities to analyze your text, learn your writing as you type, and provide you with grammar, punctuation, and spelling corrections accordingly. Support for over 50 languages.


OCD, Obsessions, and Compulsive Behaviors

  • Mental Help A site that has basic information, resources, articles, and a list of books that might be helpful.
  • The ocd foundation has some fantastic links for finding help, resources, links and information about OCD.
  • This post gives information on what Tics are and how they are treated.
  • Managing OCD at home
  • MayoClinic’s guide for coping and support
  • WikiHow for coping




Personality Styles and Disorders

  • Mental Support Community A forum to talk about personality disorders (borderline, narcissistic, antisocial, dependent, obsessive-compulsive, etc.) and how these affect people and relationships
  • Mental Help A site that has basic information, resources, articles, and a list of books that might be helpful
  • WikiHow How to Deal with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Mind has information regarding different types of personality disorders


PTSD & Trauma


Productivity/Motivation/Getting Things Done




Rape and Sexual Assault


Relationship Problems






Self Injury


Service animals


Sexuality & Gender


Sleep Disorders




Suicide Prevention


Teen issues

  • Helping Teens They address topics such as suicide, depression, sex, sexuality & pregnancy, self harm, rape & abuse, school & after school, bullies, relationships, family & friends, smoking, self esteem, religion & spirituality, general health, disorders & eating disorders, drugs & alcohol
  • Teen Advisor
  • Teen Issues
  • Emotions & Life
  • WebMD for teens




Interactive websites

  • Mood Gym is an interactive website that allows you to learn cognitive behaviour therapy skills for preventing and coping with depression. The techniques can additionally be applied to a range of mental health issues.
  • Superbetter Superbetter is an interactive way to focus on recovery from pretty much anything. It was created by a video game designer when she was recovering from a traumatic brain injury and can be used to help with recovering from various mental or physical health issues.
  • Moodscope is a website with tools that help to track your mood.
  • You Feel Like Shit – An Interactive Self Care Guide is a website that will take you through steps to feeling okay during times when you don’t feel well.


Getting a Job